Search found 11 matches

switchcraft " mix-amp"

I just found a switchcraft transistor amplifier and was wondering how it would work in guitar/high gain amp configurations. I have a quarter-inch at the output and was thinking about plugging it into my tele. On the lil box itself are two switches: on/off and low imp/ high imp. Has anyone ever used ...


what would ranxerox's favorite band be? the birthday party? cows? freur? manheim steamroller? is mainlining glue particularly unhealthy?

get radical

is rock music dangerous? will it ever again threaten any sort of status quo? my first show that i ever attended was iggy at the hollywood palladium (1990) and from that point on i immersed myself in a self-imposed form of elitism. i wanted my rock to be fast, sexy, and most importantly, very threate...

25 Republican Musicians that Don ¢ ‚¬ „¢t Suck-Ass.

is rock music dangerous? will it ever again threaten any sort of status quo? my first show that i ever attended was iggy at the hollywood palladium (1990) and from that point on i immersed myself in a self-imposed form of elitism. i wanted my rock to be fast, sexy, and most importantly, very threate...

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