Search found 3 matches

3000 bucks

actually was honestly just a hypothetical. i'm not planning on building a studio or start a business. i'm moving to nashville in august so they'll be places to lay tracks down and we'll also be close as hell to chicago to possibly go in for some sessions at electrical. it seriously was a hypothetica...

3000 bucks

okay. this is completely hypothetical. just a question of what you all would do if you had nothing but your playing equipment, (i.e. drums, bass, guitars, live amps) say you come upon $3000. you and/or your fellow band assholes, er mates want to cut a decent record. how would you spend this $3000. i...

the breeders " title tk"

where can i find a run down on the equipment used to play and record this album. i got the album last year (with much anticipation) and i simply love it. the songs, the production all fucking top-notch. i'm a drummer and i'm obsessed with the sound on "little fury" i want to know what ALL was used t...

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