Search found 34 matches

band: midnight oil

i'd hate to seem pedantic or anything but Aboriginal is spelt at all times with a capital A. ...and proper names and the personal pronoun, "I". That was a word from our sponsors. Now we return you to "Grammar Week!" only on Electrical Audio.[/quote] it's not an issue of grammar. it's an issue of th...

Band: Dirty Three

i forgot to add

for those of you that may be interested. in the early eighties mick turner and jim white were in an amazing band called _venom p. stinger_ check them out if you can. they are so good. if you're gonna use the net the song "walking about" is a good place to start.

Band: Dirty Three

so not crap i saw them last night as part of the 2005 sydney festival and holy be jesus they were absolutely phenomenal. as usual. mick turner is one the most amazing guitar players and he just looks so disinterested. jim white, chubby as ever was a whirlwind dynamo of drumming madness & warren ...

band: midnight oil

For the earth? For miners? For the aboriginal peoples of Australia? That's so sweet. i'd hate to seem pedantic or anything but Aboriginal is spelt at all times with a capital A. It is the name of a group of about 7,000 different nations that inhabited this fine land before white man and his disease...

band: midnight oil

I'm not sure how interested anybody is about this, but I believe Bradley may like to know, if no one else: Midnight Oil are reforming for one date only. They play Sydney Cricket Ground on the 29th of January as part of a tsunami benefit gig. I'm not bothered myself; just passing on the info. I expe...

band: midnight oil

what bands from new zealand besides the clean & the gordons/bailter space are any good? Um.... The Bats The Chills Tall Dwarfs Alastair Galbraith JPS Experience Do you want more?!?!? i don't need anymore......i was just seeing if you knew what you were talking about, you make some big claims wi...

band: midnight oil

Angry_Dragon wrote:Midnight Oil was a poor version of INXS.

you really are a dummy aren't you!

inxs are/were drug addled pigs

midnight oil are/were a very politically motivated bunch of people.

can you see the difference yet?

band: midnight oil

They were the "how can you sleep when the beds are burning" or something like that people, right? If so then they are CRAP. Australia is CRAP as well. New Zealand had/has betters bands that make/made better music. fuck off dick what bands from new zealand besides the clean & the gordons/bailter...

question for you smart people

the word analogy relates to the word analogue in this way analogue: noun : a person or thing seen as comparable to another. eg. an interior analogue of the exterior world adjective ]: relating to or using signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical quantity, voltage etc. e...

British or American?

But when it comes to creating innovative popular music, America wins, hands down: USA: blues jazz country bluegrass rock & roll gospel soul funk hip hop UK: skiffle You also gave us Warrant, Winger and Poison. Thanks guys DON'T LUMP ME IN WITH THAT CRUD!!!!!!!!! i am an AUSTRALIAN we gave you T...

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