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Strange Bill Combinations

1982 (I think)

Wishbone Ash + Hanoi Rocks

The mostly ageing-biker audience wasn't ready for Hanoi Rocks but it was surprisingly non-hostile. After realising that Mike Monroe wasn't a girl, most of them just sat down with their backs to the band. They gave up after 4 songs.

Band: Hawkwind

Can anyone give me an idea where to start with Hawkwind (obviously Space Ritual seems like a good starter), and are there certain records to avoid? Are the LPs easy to find? Sometimes I'm embarrassed to admit it, but they were the first band I really loved. I stopped after the first 25 LPs. Basical...


I'm not sure how prices translate betwee EU and US Not exchange rates. Prices. I guess this will depend partly on whether the kit is manufactured domestically or imported and what import taxes / dealer overheads apply. One of the few things the UK still makes is HiFi and prices here, whi...


I prefer the sound of vinyl to CD but I never understood these people that claim that CDs sound like shit...they clearly don't, they clearly sound really good depending on the stereo obviously, but that effects any format. The problem is confounds: Early CD players sounded pretty crappy, in part du...


you can get high quality cd players, like the sony sa-cd types for about $300 or less, I believe. most people think these easily out perform budget vinyl playback. I'm talking under $1000. of course it's relative, but for the most part, cd players are the best bang for the buck. I'm not sure how pr...


Despite having a pretty good record collection, I recommend not buying LPs. why? unless you are a rich person with lots of free time on your hands, LPs are just not very user friendly. 1. equipment playback costs are high. to compete with digital, you will need a decent turntable, which will at lea...


Thanks a bunch for the help. I'd assume this kind of stuff is only an issue for 70s/80s stuff (i.e. stuff like T&G, Dischord, etc. are generally good)? All my T&G and Dischord stuff has been fine and the most recent Dischord stuff I've bough (Evens, Black Eyes) have been the heaviest and be...


Five hundred dollars for a copy of Abbey Road? I don't care how good it sounds, that's just a tax on stupidity.

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