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Not crap. The first time I saw them was at a Chaos in Tejas fest in Austin, TX. Chaos in Tejas is all hardcore punk, all the time - lots of stuff that sounds like Discharge, Amebix, Discharge, that one era of Black Flag yeah that one, Finnish stuff, No Comment and Guaze. On the one hand, Clockcleane...

Band: Yeah Yeah Yeah s

After a few years of thinking Crap, when I thought about them at all, I gotta go with Not Crap. Heard the first EP, totally unimpressed, sounded way thinner than it was supposed to, if that makes sense. Heard the second EP, not quite as unimpressed, but close. Heard the first album, hated the cover ...

Noise-Rock Solicitations

I just saw Times New Viking/Clockcleaner put on one of the finest one-two punch sets I've seen in years. Yes, the latter owes, well, quite a bit to Big Black (I say Big Black rather than Rapeman but Rey Washam was such a critical part of that band that comparing other bands to 'em seems...unwise). B...

Band: Two Ton Boa

Floored by TTB's live show at SXSW 2000. Was thrilled when everyone and their mom seemed to dig the album.

Then, nothing. I assumed she stopped making records. Which she sort of had.

Then, the new one. As ruling as the last one from seven (eight?) years ago.

Buy, see, etc.

Band: Kylesa

Just saw them with the two-drummer line-up. Just outstanding, GIANT improvement from the '05 shows. Closed with a 6-7 minute crust-metal version of "Set the Controls For the Heart of the Sun." A-MAZING.

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