Search found 1690 matches

Philosopher: Karl Popper.

Karl Popper was the greatest mind- along with Rudy Carnap, Thomas Kuhn and maybe, just maybe, Paul Feyerabend (funny note: according to a former professor of mine who took an undergrad class of his at UC Berkeley, Feyerabend liked to take walks and talk to himself whilst waving his hands around) - i...

Bush " Takes Responsibility"

GWB took responsibilty inasfar as the federal government failed in repsonding to hurricane and its aftermath. He did not take responsibility for the failings at other levels of government, i.e. state and local level. Mayor Nagin in my opinion ought to be charged with criminal negligence for his hand...

Funniest Bumper Sticker EVER

When I was about ten years old or so, I recall going somewhere with my dad and seeing a large, beat-up american station wagon on the Kennedy with a large white-trash looking woman at the helm. As I recall there were alot of stickers on this car, but the one I'll never forget read: "Don't Cut Me Off ...

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