Search found 1690 matches

NY Times vs McCain

tried to find a thread about this but couldn't. I saw mention in the C/NC about McCain, but this is bigger than a footnote in a C/NC thread. the way they've been reporting it on MSNBC this morning (especially after McCain's press conference), they've got it sounding like by the time the smoke clear...

Band: Jets to Brazil

Dictionary was a decent record way back when I was a 19 year-old self-proclaimed atheist/rock-guy/intellectualista, but I can't really listen to it anymore without getting that "I feel embarassed for you" feeling towards the band.....and myself. The other two records are evidence of Blake...

Do you own a gun?

I do not nor have I ever owned a firearm. I do not intend to own one in the forseeable future either. If it becomes necessary, then perhaps I will own one, though I hope to God that society never degenerates to the point where deadly force is needed to get through the day. My father is a retired fed...

Band: Silkworm

Hmm Silkworm...I miss them. I really do. I'll say this at the risk of being nostalgic and silly: They should still be around making tunes...if it weren't for that suicidal female driver who wasn't convicted of murder-one because of the status-quo of all-too-many legal systems in the U.S.. I was outr...


posts in which his deep-rooted contempt regarding certain petty matters emerges in all its adolescent verbosity and posturing... Haw haw haw! Killing me! Haw haw haw! Previously on this forum of yours, Steve, I've engaged in arguments. I've argued about things such as the morality of capital punish...


Now tell me seriously, purely as a song on it's own, you think it's shit? I think you will not. This has a charming vocal, and I could imagine it being sung earnestly, in its way. Unfortunately, everything else about it is horrible. The Beck part, the Enya part, the Ringtone part, the stream-of-Che...

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