Search found 16 matches

band: Laibach Laibach

biscuitdough wrote:An Opus Dei (the song) Easter egg in a Windex ad: was covering a god-awful song by Opus...\_SVE

Best left borken

The Moog Prodigy I've been using since the mid-90's has a very nicely borken mod rate knob. When it is turned below 8 or so it starts doing this crazy Stuka dive bomb noise. Then if you very gently ease it back towards where it modulates normally you get cool Stuka / UFO bloopy weirdness that's fun ...

Art zine for charity help

Hey PRF folks,I posted this over in the Show Us Your Artwork thread but I need to be a little bit of a whore because all profits go to Center For Reproductive Rights.My new art zine is titled 1.19.17 for obvious reasons...This publication is made up of 44 ball point pen drawings - one of each U.S. P...

Recommend me some metal!

aldofarian wrote:Relapse are offering an 184 track free download sampler from their back catalogue to celebrate their 25th Birthday: you cannot find stuff in there you like, well...Yes indeed! My old Godflesh rip-off...

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