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New EA sendspace thread

caset wrote:Does anyone here happen to have a copy of the Paper Lantern EP?I lost mine years ago and have not been able to track down another.This Paper Lantern.Seven years later, still keeping my eyes peeled for this one!Myspace page long dead. EP was called intro.

Kramer Aluminum guitars.

ossipago wrote:Has anyone played/ owned of those ridiculous headless Kramer 'Duke' basses? I have an inexplicable/ irrational desire for one that would likely be overcome by some hard truthsI have a Kramer The Duke bass. Its short scale, has a decent variety of tone, and excellent sustain. I doubt y...

EHX Freedom Preamp schematic?

Not at all what you are asking for, but this popped up on Ebay yesterday:\_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2648The actual Freedom Amp.Both FM bleh. and myself have picked one up recently, and it is definitely Reis tones, and budget.

For free: Things.

Thanks to FM eephour for providing a loving home for the kitten.If anybody thinks they might make use of the Gretsch Electromatic carcass, you are welcome to come to my house and take it. Pickup also available at strategic grill locations around Brooklyn.

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