Search found 5 matches

Show us your amps!!!

Christmas came a little early for this bro. Hot off ebay and shipping it's way to Louisville as we speak. Music Man HD130 with white tolex and refurbished grill. The maiden voyage for this beast will be the Wive's New Years Eve show but it will also be making an appearence at the upcoming PRF BBQ Wi...

Show us your amps!!!

llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:Love those Music Man amps. Haven't tried it for guitar yet but its got such a growly, aggressive sound for bass. Question though, a lot of you guys are using heads I would normally use for bass for guitar (Ampeg V4, the Music Man). I'm guessing you guys use pedals to g...

Show us your amps!!!

EmpireStateTroopers wrote:Hey guys!! Check out my totally sweet amps!!not pictured: Marshall JCM 800 50w, Sunn Beta Bass, Music Man 2x10 cab, Sunn Model T 4x12 cab (for sale), Ampeg 410HE (for sale)I have too much stuff....notI'm checking out your totally sweet shirt. ..........oh and your tower of ...

Please Tell Me About You

Age/Sex/Location? 26/M/Louisville, KYDo you have any brothers or sisters? 1 bro-23/M/Newport Beach, CAWhen was the last time that you've cried? May of 2008Do you post on any other forum(s) and if so, which ones? louisvillehardcore.comWhat was the last good CD/LP that you've purchased? USSA - The Spo...

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