Search found 15 matches


the finger genius wrote: œDad, there s a black hole and it s gonna suck us up .About the right age for your son to become a fatalist.


Maybe this will come out as ranting but I've been perplexed by my 4/almost 5 year old dude. For like 2 weeks he's had all these minor symptoms that don't seem to add up to anything. First he had a temp that went away. Then a couple days later he threw up a little. Then he's been doing the hand in th...

Electrical Guitar Company

Carl wrote:Anitrak wrote:This may be taboo but does Kevin or Travis' estate hold any patents to aluminum guitar designs? I can't remember if there were patents involved or if it was just trademarks. I can't find anything in the patent database on google.Travis Bean's stringed musical instrument with...

Electrical Guitar Company

I was waiting for Kevin to make the announcement on here but it looks like EGC will be moving to Birmingham. Looking forward to seeing the changes from the move:Quick heads up. All bolt necks are complete. There are quite a few extras made on purpose if anyone should want one. Orders have been shipp...

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