Search found 4 matches

best 80 s arcade video game (best video game of all time)

Hell yeah, Tempest is one of the best games... ever... The only ones that come close are Star Wars and The Empire Strikes back. And if we're gonna include "chick" games i think one of the best is Barrier... i can't help myself i'm a sucker for vector arcade games... i could even spen an hour or so o...

pro tools question?

if you're using pc and not mac then i would highly recommend AudioMulch which is amazing piece of software. it's a free download and fully functional untill it expires an then you can download a new version and it works again. or you can register for $50 and never bother to update. it's kinda nerdy,...

WTF? Secret hidden bonus track.

i just have to say... IT'S NOT HIDDEN IF IT'S AFTER THE LAST SONG AFTER MINUTES OF SILENCE! excuse me for yellin' but i'm so annoyed by these tracks after the last song... and usually they suck. i respect it if you put it before the first song because then it doesn't affect my listening... ...but wi...

fender jaguar

a friend bought one recently. was a bit noisy, which turned out to be ground wiring problem. it just didn't have ground wired properly. we fixed that, and done some setup cause it was mailordered and after that it plays fine and sounds good. i think jazzmaster might have same wiring problems. all ja...

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