Search found 1831 matches

What gear do you want right now...

Oh yeah the DrumBrute! I tried it before and wasn't crazy about it. It's obviously versatile which I like, but wasn't that intuitive to use without reading the manual. I guess that won't be a problem if I actually got one. I wasn't crazy about the sounds though. They were almost there but not quite....

You fat bastard.

At my highest I was 185 lbs, then last year I dropped all the way to 158 lbs. I made a lot of changes to my diet, and I biked 3-5 times a week. It took a while for the weight to drop - I think four years to go from 185 lbs to 158 lbs, which is probably a long ass time to drop 27 pounds. Since last y...

Little tech questions from your day

Does it matter if in a two-way speaker the tweeter and woofer are wired with the same polarity? Also, how can I check for that?A little background: I bought a pair of passive speakers on Reverb and when I got them they sounded terrible and phase-y. I contacted the seller and he said he replaced the ...

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