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Question about recording overheads

Hiya ancientempire, The overhead mics and the M/S mics are both going to get mostly the same stuff off the kit. The M/S is intended to give a realistic stereo image of the drum kit. Figure that the bi-directional component of the M/S pair will add a lot of room sound, reverb, etc. The overhead mics ...

How low can you go?

well thank you for sharing that.. I'm thinking of what I will share with you. I'm going to dig through my stuff to see if I can find any more fostex recordings, or maybe some recordings of my friend, Nico. Anyway, Cheers !

How low can you go?

I am getting this weird synaesthetic response from the recording... I can see Jabba's palace from Star Wars... it's weird. Only, the whole thing is grayed out and there are no arches.... only right angled walls.. haha. I think it gets better over time... It starts out pretty gnarly but then by the e...

How low can you go?

Not sure if this thread is silly or not, but I finally got to bounce out this session that I've been meaning to share here : Kick: Neumann m147Snare: Neumann km184OverHead: Royer 122vRoom Left: Earthworks qct50Room Right: Earthwrks qtc50Bass: Electrovoice re20Keys: mono DICongas: AKG c414Guitars: A ...

How low can you go?

Hello! I thought this would be kinda cool: Let's share recordings that we like, that we KNOW only used a handful of mics. List the instruments, mics, and setup. Then talk about what you like about the sound, and then what you don't like. Your personal recordings would be awesome. If you have the sco...

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