Search found 83 matches

Kurzweil SP-76

I did get the SP-76 and have so far been underwhelmed. The keys feel fine, and it is lightweight and streamlined. But the piano sound is inconsistent. The notes on the low and high ends of the keyboard sound real enough. A few notes in the octave below middle C sound like thumped bass. E-G just abov...

Kurzweil SP-76

Faiz, I will be running this straight to the PA. Do the semi-weighted keys on the Alesis feel like the keys on a well-used piano? Or do they feel closer to normal synth keys? I don't know if these keyboards are "semi" weighted because they're made of lighter materials or because they're de...

Kurzweil SP-76

Has anyone on here ever played a Kurzweil SP-76 and/or heard one through a PA? I need to buy a keyboard for live use that makes a reasonably good piano sound, doesn't weigh more than about 30lbs, and doesn't cost more than $600-$700. Everything I've read on-line suggests this Kurzweil is the best 76...

Challenge to Steve

Albiz, Maybe you will allow me to say a few words, and then maybe you will pay me the 100 American dollars you owe me for the Euro wager. The last generations of intelligent people to derive any spiritual succor or insight from reading the Bible literally (Newton, Locke, Franklin, Jefferson, and man...

Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

Let me spell out what I thought would be clear. Israel as a geographical expression has been fluid even since 1948. I don't have the time to find links to relevant maps, but I'm sure anyone who follows this stuff has a sense of its shifting borders. Whatever will one day happen to Gaza or the West B...

bad news

This is terrible news. Noah's friends and family, you have my condolences.

I got a private message two years ago about Noah's music and hope one day to get to hear it.

Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

From the point of view of today's individual, yes. From the point of view of the long term, almost certainly not. It might be better to lose 100's today disarming Hezbollah than 1000's later when they grow even bigger and stronger. It takes remarkable indifference to human suffering to explain away...

Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

From today's Guardian: While most civilians with money or transport are leaving the conflict zone, large numbers are trapped by Israeli shelling or because they cannot afford the $1,000 charged by taxi drivers to deliver fuel or drive families to safety. Israel's government spokesman, Avi Pazner, sa...

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