Search found 12 matches

Favorite Malapropism

I agree with stewie. Keep in mind that much of what we call "standard" English today was born from our ancestors' misspellings, mispronunciations and malapropisms. Likewise, the "standard" English of the future will be dictated by the masses, not by the educated minority. And as for the idea given a...

Greatest Living Comedian

I vote for Robin Williams. Unlike his one-trick-horse peers, he is an amazing impressionist and is highly skilled at virtually every form of humor I can think of (plays on words, physical comedy, etc.) Also, whenever I have seen him interviewed, he is 10x as fast at coming up with hilarious response...

Activity: Cheerleading

Not crap.

Do I enjoy watching mediocre athletes, in any sport? No.
Do I enjoy watching athletes at the top of their field, in any sport (except bowling)? Yes.

The ESPN cheerleading championships are, if you ask me, pretty goddamn amazing.

British or American?

I do laugh a hearty Englishman's laugh when I am, say, playing online poker with the same name and location as it says on the left here, and people from major US cities ask "so is that London, Ontario?". As if! Such tiny incidents remind me just how effortlessly superior in every way we British are...


Drawing on her fine command of the English language,
she said nothing.




Steve- actually, your spelling is quite good. Disparrage afforementioned If anyone, it’s Kant we should be a bit worried about. At any rate, my only point here was that we can’t really say that new and creative uses of language are “wrong” just because we don’t happen to like them. However, what we ...

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