Search found 3 matches


Easy, Greasy - I'm just jokin'. Nataly got it. Be more like her. Also, I meant "utilized". As in, "derived utility from", in the strictest possible sense of the word, or from a more current standpoint, Steve's assumed usage of the word. Question me at your peril. EDIT: Quotes continue to baffle my a...


[quote] Nataly [/quote] Everyone knows it's spelled "Natalie". Now who looks ignorant? Also, for a German who's been dead nigh unto two whole centuries, my spelling is pretty good. If don't get a present from you on the bicentennial of my death, I'm taking you off my Christmas card list, you ankle-b...


Steve, Allow me to clarify one salient point, which, if it does not totally undermine the formal basis of Steve's argument, should throw the bulk of it into significant question. "Disrespect" (additionally, when speaking of words as objects unto themselves, use quotation marks to set the out-of-cont...

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