Search found 117 matches

Film: Sorry to Bother You Film: Sorry to Bother You

A film like Sorry To Bother You is always going to get more attention than a film like Black Girl. One is new, relatively mainstream with bankable actors, and in color. The other is none of those things. Sembene never had the sort of name recognition--or distribution for that matter--that a filmmake...

Film: Midsommar Film: Midsommar?

I think I'm somewhere between the people here who really liked it and the review that FM New Dark Age posted. Midsommar is impeccably produced and acted and all that but Ari Aster is not great at building tension. This bit from the review articulates exactly my problem with this and Hereditary (alth...

Alliances: Labor Unions Unions?

Andrew. wrote:Clyde wrote:On the other hand, Sara Nelson is good as hell as more and more seems to becoming the face of the labor movement. She's charismatic, militant, and apologetically left. She has a shot of being the next head of the AFL-CIO, which is the kind of shot in the arm it needs.Here's...

Alliances: Labor Unions Unions?

On the other hand, Sara Nelson is good as hell as more and more seems to becoming the face of the labor movement. She's charismatic, militant, and unapologetically left. She has a shot of being the next head of the AFL-CIO, which is the kind of shot in the arm it needs.Here's a speech she gave to th...

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