Search found 542 matches

Bad drummers!

lars ulrich can obviously play drums and everything, but fuck if he doesn't write the most amateur fills i've ever heard. i think his standard drum fill is a slow roll on the snare (like 8th note speed) and then he cuts that in half for the last bit of the measure.. so you have this shitty bapabapab...

drummers: what should i be doing beyond rudiments?

if you're planning to be in a (loud) band, you want to start getting use to playing harder. get use to making every quarter note on the snare a rimshot. play heel up. constantly keep your foot going on the highhat, except for when you're actually playing it. buy bigger cymbals. that sort of thing!pr...

Do you have absolute pitch

also, i think the most useful part of perfect pitch is that when one guitarist in my band is trying to figure out what the second guitarist or bassist just played. then i can just say 'A, Aflat, C, C, G', or just tell him what notes will compliment them, in my opinion.

Do you have absolute pitch

i have perfect pitch, and so does my mom. my sister doesn't have it at all. it was definitely something i was born with. i took piano lessons when i was 3 or 4 years old and as soon as i learned the keys i could tell you what notes were being played without looking. i've noticed that if i don't prac...

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