Search found 563 matches

Chciago People: Beverly?

Beverly is just like most southside neighborhoods. There just really isn't a whole lot going on. It's a good place for families or people who are content with their local tavern and maybe driving to the mall to see a movie now and again. But, that's about it. As for it being "very white" ...

Chciago People: Beverly?

Beverly is just like most southside neighborhoods. There just really isn't a whole lot going on. It's a good place for families or people who are content with their local tavern and maybe driving to the mall to see a movie now and again. But, that's about it. As for it being "very white" o...

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

We also tried to explain how many people are genuinely effected by men they knew and in some cases did not know except through their music and character. I don't know that they can possibly understand as they are not part of our community. Well-stated, Heather. And, if there's anything good that ca...

Say what you will about NPR...

NPR lost me for awhile. I don't know if it was the loss of Fresh Air or changing in programming or just generally being burned out on it, but lately I'm finding my way back. And, in the few times I've tuned in as of late, I have been quite impressed with the music selection both in transitions as ba...

The FUCK OFF Thread.

To the half-wit assclown fucktard(s) who ripped off the food donations from Oucho 9 on Saturday: You can fuck right off. We had a perfectly lovely evening, the result of numerous folks putting in a fucking full-on day of prep and setup out of the joy in their hearts. Everyone came and had a good ti...

University of Chicago Library

oh frick yeah, greg! if you came here would it be a permanent or semi-permanent kinda thing, or just temp? would you bring your studio and/or your KC with you? If everything works out, it would be more or less permanent; y'know, as permanent as living in any place is. At this point though, I would ...

University of Chicago Library

endofanera wrote:
hellyes!! wrote:I have heard okay things about it's staff. I definitely have not heard any horror stories. Those usually get around the library world pretty fast, as I'm sure you know.

Indeed I do. This is good news, thanks.

May you be potentially joining a few of us here on the southside of Chicago?

University of Chicago Library

endofanera wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:are you talking about weed?
or like, gay sex stuff?

People who work there. Could be either or both, I suppose.

I have heard okay things about it's staff. I definitely have not heard any horror stories. Those usually get around the library world pretty fast, as I'm sure you know.

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