Search found 22 matches

Best left borken

tmidgett wrote:It was also manufactured under other names, including Jax. The Mentally Ill used their Jax on guitar basically 100% of the time. We fell in love with the sound, and I made one so Andy could use it on this tune.Thank you so much for this info! I've been listening to the Gacy's Place 7"...

Rechargeable pedalboard why not

The future of pedal power supplies :Getting a good isolated power supply is an essential investment if you use a lot of pedals especially if they're digital. My Adventure Audio Dream Reaper requires 10mA apparently. An Eventide requires 500mA. I imagine Empress and Strymon and Red Panda pedals are e...

Band: Cherubs Cherubs?

154 wrote:They 'slayed' me right out the back door by bumping my friends' band, being pointlessly loud (and boring), and being dicks to us by the merch table ("you're encroaching on OUR table space". haha, how old are you?) CRAP.Was it the drummer? I bet it was the drummer. White guys with dreadlock...

Balls Effects / Balls Amplification

Dr Tony Balls wrote:Raa wrote:Dr Tony Balls wrote:HA. Knock yer socks off: you! This is fantastic. Have you ever built a reverb unit? What would something like that run for?Depends what you mean. Reverb pedal or standalone tube reverb like the o...

Balls Effects / Balls Amplification

Major wrote:Salut, Dr. Balls! Here is my little dude. Single channel Bassman, 40 watts. It's the goddamn best amp I have ever played. Hell of clean, plenty loud for my situation. In white with oxblood or black with WEM grill cloth at about half the output, this would be perfection for me. I agree wi...

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