Search found 21 matches

URGENT! Analog tape advice

I love 996 and have used it almost 100% Its old tape but hold up well.great formula and i think gp9 and basf 900 were all made after this formula. the new breeders record has a song called Spark which was 996 master. but like anything you need to make sure there has been no water damage or edits eve...

Bass cab Micing??

bass axe is always a challenge! without getting to fancy,414 always with a re-20,d-112,57,old d-12 ,m-88,beta 52, blended will work fine.if you have that small very affordable shure sm98! that can be used as 414 or just by it's self?(cost 1/4 of a akg 414 all the above mics work well solo too. pedal...

Getting a start in recording

if you plan on buying gear ?then tape OP or basically any gear mag you can get?!read and plan on taking a few months to learn as much as possible before buying a single piece of gear! the worst is buying things you wont need starting out. I even went to the local university(USC) and bought there boo...

Large Drums...good or bad?

the key to great sounds are to the most part locked in those guys long as you record I believe you will always desire getting that great drum sounds some cool old snares and maybe some kicks?buy new heads(which you will have to figure out what sounds best)and put in the hands ...

What mic s to buy?

Save another 50 to 100 and buy a AKG 414 used ! can be used for acoustic then put face to face w/a louder then fuck Marshall down to a sax then with all the mic patterns figure 8 to omni you can record a jazz band with one room mic. classic mic that is in almost every big studio east to west . best ...

what to buy next?

when I started my studio 5 yrs ago the first thing on my list was a good batch of work horse mics(nothing fancy) 2 inch 16 track(mci) and a fat and heavy Amek(british) Tac Scorpion mixing board and last was a 4 chanel Sytek pre(great for ribbons) not only was I able to to record with out a patch bay...

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