Search found 1344 matches

Hybrid Bicycle Advice

After months and months and months of shopping, I bought one of these at a garage sale recently for $100. You should be ale to find one for under $200 all day long, if it's your thing. I've started taking it a few days a week on my nine mile (...

Adjusting the truss rod

Back bow? Put stings on the bass, the same kind over and over. If that doesn't fix the bow thighten the truss little bits at a time With backbow, he will want to LOOSEN the strings, not tighten them. Tightening the trussrod on a neck with backbow will only make the issue worse. Tightening the rod f...

Adjusting the truss rod

It seems like the answer is always, "Tighten the truss rod." When would be a time when the solution is loosening the truss rod? Trussrods are used to fight the pull of the strings, straightening the guitar's neck under full string tenson. If the neck is bowing forward, you will want the t...

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