Search found 14 matches

What about Mastering

Yes, i'd really love watching and listening to a mastering session. But i live in a small village and the nearest studios are in Toulouse at about 120 miles away. But you're right, this is certainly the best way to learn and especially understand the work.

What about Mastering

Thank you Elvischrist for your complete reply. A mastering engineer can correct mixes that are sometimes at different levels or tone. But if it seems obvious that non professional mixes may be thus, is it the same for professional mixes realized with sound engineers and professional equipment ? Exa...

What about Mastering

Hi ! Does a mix always need mastering ? And why : only to increase volume ? If the song you are mixing sounds right for you and people around, even if you don't listen to it through Genelec speakers, isn't enough ? I thought mastering was really essential for old 33 rpm records to avoid phase proble...


:) Forza Italia.
have your wife already done for you the Tiramissu ? One of the best cake in the world. With an Asti sparkling wine or Champagne but it's more expensive.

Bon week-end à tous. I leave my work and my internet conection untill monday.


Que vuole dire "Rilassarsi" ? colui puzzolente de aglio : Why ? mia moglie è italiana, ma non è qui per tradurre Anch'io mia moglie è italiana! Dove in Italia? Don't worry about the other stuff I was making fun A little village : Castelmezzano. south of Italia. Near Potenza. But we have family in A...


Salut Flanneur,

C'était quoi ce vin ? Moi aussi en ce moment je suis à mon boulot stupide. Mais je n'en ai plus que pour 1/2 heure.


La seule chose que je rajouterais.... Le pour-soi, manière d'être de l'existant humain, qui secrète du néant et ne peut coïncider avec lui-même. Le pour-soi est inséparable de la conscience : " la loi d'être du pour-soi, comme fondement ontologique de la conscience, c'est d'être lui-même sous la fo...


l'EA forum est trop multi-national. il faut qu'on impose des reglements -- seulment l'anglais! d'accord monsieur charles de gaulle? ;D Yes, it's obvious and you're right. But there's a difference between the topic's title "parlons" and the main title of the forum "general discussion". I can't undes...


Salut amis américains ! Vous vous débrouillez très bien en français. C'est vrai qu'on dit "vous" à une personne qu'on respecte davantage et à une personne qu'on connait à peine. Rysie, tu parles très bien français Est-ce que tu joues au tennis ? Je vois qu'il est 4 h du matin aux Etats Unis. (11 h 2...

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