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1st Ever Electrical Audio Studio Practices Seminar this July

Thought we'd share with you, our friends of the PRF, what's cooking next month:Here's the information contained in the link:Electrical Audio Studio Practices SeminarJuly 4-8, 2019The Electrical Audio Studio Practices Seminar is a 4-day practicum on both recording techniques and running an analog rec...

EA At The Plate

The only thing I can link you to is here:The Bootheel: Midnight StalkerThere are these quiet-ish ooh's in the middle there, at 3:15. It's roughly 1 part dry vocal, 2 parts plate. It's rather low, so it's hard to pick out, but the plate is set to "long" during this passage.

How did you get this internship?

You understood Sowley correctly. We require academic credit.Internships here are done in exchange for academic credit. Here's the short version: the internship involves, well, "interny" things like coffee making/delivery, replacing lights, cleaning bafrooms, garbage, etc., so steve decided long long...

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