Search found 25 matches

I m in love with the Fall

Not bein’ so young (33), precludes this gal from havin’ a solid opinion on what may or may not happen to young people but this has always and still happens to me all the time. The 5 that seem to always come around are early Six Finger Satellite, the Jesus Lizard, Rocket from the Crypt, Joy Division ...

Your favourite music blog???

A friend whose taste is stellar and whose opinion is much respected recommended this one which has some brilliant older music and live show bootlegs, some more obscure stuff as well: Eggcity Radio: m There were others that he recommended but they are on a different computer in a different city. Eggc...

My car just got stolen!

Hope it turns up for you like mine did. With the $5000 worth of shit you left in it. Yeah. Sorry, WITH everything in it. Again, a hard ass lesson to learn. The gear was locked in the trunk but they could and did release the trunk hatch from the inside. Had been on a shoot earlier that night then we...

My car just got stolen!

It may be kinda different up here but my car was stolen a few years back. Didn't think anyone would want a 93 Dodge Spirit, but turns out it, like your Civic, was a popular car to steal. Called the police right away, did the report etc. and 48 hours later they called having found my car. Seems kids ...

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