Search found 4 matches

best way to record into a computer

If you have enough people to paly the instruments all at once and an amp for vocals, I would say for a low fi sound get -a "rad" old tape deck off craigs list for $10 (actually three because only one will work) -two mics -and two of those crappy little tube pres for $50. But that doesn't address the...

The Jesus Lizard bass sound

Take the Big Muff. Also, take a blowtorch, and a hammer. Any blowtorch and hammer will do. Apply heat and bang on the middle-section with your hammer until you have a really nice ashtray. Feel free to experiment with paints, perhaps glittery fingernail polish if you're strapped for cash and the mis...

ORTF in a small space

I'm going to be documenting some shows in the basement of a house. I want to use two mics (AT4040's) for a stereo recording. It's seems like the 110 degrees angle between the mics is a lot, and I was wondering if anyone here has had success with this technique in a small space?

Why Traynor?

m This is not the YBA but the guitars here on Local Lift (media section) are through the 80W 4X10 and the 80W 2X12. The track subsummer has one guitar and its through the 4X10. m here boy you better wash is the 4X10 and a solid state yorkville bassmaster 400W 15" combo (the company that sells trynor...

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