Search found 169 matches

Act: Suicide

"the best often die by their own hand just to get away, and those left behind can never quite understand why anybody would ever want to get away from them" i can see how some folks get completely crushed by this world. it is painful to those they have relations with, but there's a reason t...

The Dark Knight

did any of you audio types notice that batman's voice was outrageously over the top? i held back a laugh the first time i heard it. i'm largely with bob on this one. i couldn't really get into it because it was just one ludicrous thing after another for nearly 3 hours. i guess i can't suspend my dis...

Are all women crazy?

i don't know that i can agree with the sweeping generalization, but i do know that someone posted what looked to be the factors of borderline personality disorder, which occurs much, much more frequently in women than in men. here you go... Diagnostic Criteria A pervasive pattern of instability of i...

Show: Ninja Warrior

Minotaur029 wrote:I watched this show a lot this year, but confronted with the (frequent) choice, I will always, always choose COPS.

man. ninja warrior and cops. have you people been living with me? thats a almost daily routine.

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