Search found 7 matches

Best Hip Hop Rhymes

joelb wrote:
Flying on a free flight
Driving all night With my machinery


Let me put my love into you, babe

Did you feel the rock as you read that? I'll bet you did.

Yeah, I felt everything I hate about rock.

Band: Wipers

Andrea Doria wrote:I only have Is This Real so if any of you wants to burn and send me another of their cds I would be most appreciative.

you can buy the first three in a cool box set with extras directly from Greg Sage. The price ain't bad either. google him...

Worst-nicest bands with whom you have played shows.

As a drummer, I can't imagine wanting to borrow someone else's kit unless it was a dire emergency (f'rinstance. mine got stolen, burnt, etc. and absolutely had to do the gig). I've spent a lot of time getting it to where I want it and I also configure it for the the music the band is playing. As for...

Neurosis cymbals sound

This may sound dumb but how do you machine cymbals down? Do you have any pointers - books or web page? It's a hard subject to search for since all I get are people bitching about drum machine cymbals.

Replacing Belts on TASCAM 234

I'm too proud to go ahead and buy a used user's manual (and of course mine is long gone) - I pulled it out of storage today and flipped it on and while everything lights up, it appears that the tape drive is not working. My guess is that it needs new belts. It is a TASCAM 234 cassette 4-track record...

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