Search found 233 matches

You fat bastard.

Exercise vs. calorie reduction - I'm 10 pounds heavier than I was 10 years ago when I was counting calories and not exercising, but I have pants that were super tight on me from that time period that are almost too loose now because all that fat in my legs is muscle now. I've heard muscle weighs mor...

CBD oil

Someone I know (forgot who) said it helped cure a cold. I'm guessing placebo effect, but anyone have this work before?

# 1 Taco Riff.

A\_Man\_Who\_Tries wrote:Justin Foley wrote:"Taco Riff" is a term used to describe a metal riff that is both incredibly heavy and gleefully decadent. So no Khanate or Cheap Trick. Until I'm proven otherwise, I'm going with the "chorus" riff on Electric Wizard's "Dopethrone". Second place considerati...

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