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New EA sendspace thread

Eddie Hazel - Game, Dames and Guitar Thangs Released in 1977, Games, Dames And Guitar Thangs is a full-tilt, jam-filled showcase for Hazel's far-out virtuosity. He cuts loose on fiery extended versions of The Mamas And The Papas' "California Dreamin'" and ...

Organic Food

More nutritious, tastes better, and not covered in poison. There is no comparison between a properly grown organic tomato and the crap they sell in the supermarkets. None. I've avoided tomato's all my life because I was subjected to the vile shit they peddle in fast food places and supermarkets, and...

my mind blowed 10x.

2. Chimpanzees Make Spears for Hunting Two anthropologists watched in mixed amazement and horror as several female chimpanzees crafted spears and used them to somewhat brutally hunt smaller mammals. Following a troop of the primates in a Senegalese savanna, Jill Pruetz of Iowa State University and ...

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