Search found 13 matches

Band: black midi black midi

Gave that KEXP thing a blast.'s alright. Kinda reminds me of Polvo / Don Cab-esque stuff made by kids who got into music when Arctic Monkeys and Bloc Party were big. Not my thing, but it's their thing.They better pay whatever it takes to keep the drummer on board, it would fall into total artskool s...

Film: Midsommar Film: Midsommar?

Great as an experience (visuals and sound design), would echo the calls to see it in the cinema.Kinda obvious. Too long. A little too slow in too many places. The horror elements were the bits that didn't work that well for me. The most grotesque spectacles imaginable became passé in mainstream far...

Workout/Exercise Playlists 2019

90% of the time I want to get aggressive and push myself hard for 40+ mins. The most dependable music for this task is Hatebreed (anything, but Rise of Brutality is my fav) and the first 2 Cro-Mags albums. Minor Threat, Entombed and Pantera are also mixtape highlights year after year.If I'm in a goo...

Underrated Guitarists....

total\_douche wrote:Mickey242 wrote:Geordie Walker from Killing Joke.Totally! Watching video of Geordie playing really taught me to rethink how to use my right hand when playing a guitar, especially when syncopating palm mutes.His playing on Fire Dances and Extremities... is particularly bananas, al...

Band: Integrity Band: Integrity

Sometimes a gentleman of a certain distinction wants to crush, kill and destroy. And of course, he needs a soundtrack, but not just any Cro-Magnon thumping. (Sorry, Hatebreed.) Sometimes it's got to as brutal and as dark and as primal as one can manage.Recently, when I feel these urges, I've found m...

start=2360">UK General Election 2015 In 2015 I will be voting for:

The threat of stalemates and uncertainty seems to be casting a nasty smell over what has been (so far) a tepid election campaign. There's a little bit of desperation and greed at play (especially from the minor parties and Scottish Labour), but fear seems to be the dominant factor.Debt, deficit, the...

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