Search found 148 matches


If the property owner is only in possession of 1 building, it's highly unlikely that this would see the inside of a courtroom or tarnish a credit report. These kind of legal disputes can go on for months, and it costs enough money that a small time slumlord would rather just fill in the vacancy then...


I've been through this before - different problem, but equally shitty. They have no leg to stand on when it comes to building maintenance issues. A small property owner in Chicago is petrified of going to court over a broken lease due to these type of infractions. I know this sounds drastic, but it ...


Are you guys on a standard Chicago apartment lease? If so, Chicago renter's law allows you to hold and deduct money from rent for services not rendered. It should be in the fine print that your landlord is absolutely responsible for maintaining a vermin-free building, and they will be responsible fo...

First quick mix: great. Beyond that: always crap. Why?

I have that same problem as well - One thing I have noticed is that less really is more when it comes to making executive decisions. Because of that, I really try to make level and panning adjustments before I even think about reaching for e.q. or compression. I've found from my own personal experie...

Moving to Austin help!

Go to Lockhart. Immediately. First, go to Kreuz, and then after you have taken a nap in your car go to Smitty's. m m After that, go back into Austin and make sure to get pork ribs at the Iron Works, brisket at Rudy's (good sauce too), and hot sausage at Stubb's. Repeat said procedure every weekend. ...


Circuit analysis, Signals and systems, assembly language, and Linear Algebra all this week. Ugggh.

Recommend me some metal!

I'll second the recommendation on Phantom Limb. Who hates Pig Destroyer? Also, check out Knut's last record titled "Terraformer" - It kind of reminds me of Keelhaul, but a with little more doom. Here's some other records to listen to (if these have been listed before, please forgive me). M...

Dead Child

I was at that show the other night, and I was pretty impressed by Dead Child. I have to say that I didn't want to like them very much going into it as it sounded like another ironic metal project - However, they has their shit together and put on a pretty nice set. I would definitely see them again....

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