Search found 574 matches

Music that scares you. Chrome is the only band I've ever listened to that makes me feel uneasy to the point where I'll occasionally have to turn it off. I think it's the mix of psychedelic chaos and generally poor quality of the recordings I have. The mix o...

Tell us about the last time you laughed really, really hard

I was driving with my friend Kim and she has a habit of ashing in my car. I smell smoke and look down and the floor of my car was on fire. I was genuinely terrified but I calmly said: "Hey. You, uh... you lit my car on fire, can you grab that?" She started screaming and stomping it out and...

Do you plan on having a family?

I can't see myself having kids. Adoption seems like such an obvious choice for someone that doesn't really give a damn about whether or not my particular genes get passed on. Hopefully I'll have enough of an influence on my child that certain core principles and family values will be passed on to hi...

Game: Team Fortress 2

I tried it a while back and I really appreciated the character design and all the work that went in to balancing the classes and maps. Computer games haven't been able to hold my attention for the last three years, for better or for worse, but it seems like a really quality piece of software. NOT CR...

Chaos theory explained.

I just think it's a great thing to say around some guys that you don't know all that well. Why? The majority of my male peers in this town are horribly, horribly homophobic. For me to imply that the idea of two men making love is more appealing to me than the idea of two women making love is a sour...

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