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Little details from your day

yard barf wrote:RSMurphy wrote:I am on a train standing by the door with the train map overhead. A woman boards, gets my attention, and immediately makes her way over to where I'm standing. I think she's deaf or mute or maybe both because she starts pointing to the map, while showing me text message...

Bandcamp is a holy shit hell fuck bonkers crazy go nuts tool

Pure L wrote:For whatever reason, knowing a record is finished but not "out" makes me kinda uncomfortable. Not totally sure why that is. Been sitting with that feeling for a good year or so I think.Perfectly understandable. It's murder with film and I imagine no different in

Little details from your day

I've had a mushroom identifying app on my phone for a little while now, but hadn't had chance to use its scan function until this morning's forage. You point the camera at the mushroom and it picks out the species from the database.If successful, it let's out a choral Hallelujah, which tickled and s...

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