Search found 207 matches

Album: Chrome: The Visitation

Has anyone here even really heard this? Crazy hard to find. Congrats if you found a copy. It's no Alien Soundtracks or Half Machine Lip Moves. It's not even a Red Exposure, but I still like it. One of the songs kinda sounds like they ripped off John Cale's version of "Heartbreak Hotel." So...

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

For a rothbardian argument on the enviroment: m Yeah, the handicapped issue is a tricky one, but I believe he has said by cutting spending he could put more into funding for those who rely on government support with a ton left over. We'll see. I think his immigration stance is too protectionist for...

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

For those interested, semi-confirmed Chomsky opinion on Paul: m Thanks for this. Been wanting to hear Chomsky's view for a while now. Without reading the rest of this massive thread, I've obviously got concerns about Ron Paul. His positions seem really strong on some issues (NAFTA, Real ID, the Fed...

Ducking out of Ca. for Wa.

Life here tends to be fast and shallow. werner herzog told hank rollins the exact opposite. he said los angeles/hollywood has more depth than any city in the world. This place sucks. Werner Herzog is a german, therefore he is completely incapable of understanding southern california. Nice words don...

TV Show: Dirty Jobs

Caught a marathon this afternoon while cleaning my apartment. This is a pretty cool show it turns out. In one of the episodes, the host was row boating around in a lake of SHIT. Now THAT'S good television.


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