Search found 4354 matches

Well, That's It For Me...

Antero wrote:Adam Sr wrote:phpBB [media]At first I thought this was just going to be lame zep-by-the-numbers throwback bullshit - and it certainly is - but what the fuck is up with that guy's singingI definitely don't think Robert Plant sounded like Woody Woodpecker doing Buffalo Bill.Then again, th...

Band: Songs:Ohia Songs:Ohia?

Mason wrote:LBx wrote:Wonderful and familiar set -here- from an amazing period.(Currently digging for more late 2000 ~ish bootlegs. Thank you & etc...)NC ever.My favourite Jason Molina work, aesthetically. Ghost Tropic, The Lioness, Protection Spells, Mi Sei Apparso. All from 2000 or jus...

Peavey Gear?

llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:One of my favorite bass sounds was a Marshall Silver Jubille 3530 into a Peavey 2x15 with Black Widows.How was the Nomeansno show?

Peavey Gear?

Vintage Peaveys are pretty awesome. Later on it got a lot sketchier, but a lot of guitarists got great tones out of those older models, and you can still find most of them for cheap.

Solid State Amps

JohnnySomersett wrote:I have no idea why, but I bought one of these:...I have no idea how it will sound.Set it right and you will sound exactly like Eyehategod. As we all know, this is a wonderful and melodious guitar tone.They can be a bit on the quiet side at times though.

New EA sendspace thread

Ivan Dobsky wrote:Here you go. Not the greatest bit rates but will do till a better version turns up.Code: Select allDesigner's more than good enough for me! Thank you!!!Edit: So far it sounds like a treblier, more musically degraded but less insane take...

New EA sendspace thread

This album is by all accounts absolutely impossible to find, but if any online community would know where to find it and post it, it's this one:Designer - HiccupsDesigner were apparently a Swiss (?) noise rock band who were very much akin to prime Drunks With Guns stylistically. Since I'd never even...

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