Search found 4 matches

Juggalo funeral (sad content)

as far as the parents googling themselves and finding this thread... just google dead baby juggalo. somehow i don't think deleting the EA thread is going to save their feelings from being hurt. i think at my (viking) funeral i want to have one of the more epic guitar-only fucking champs songs to be ...

Bands That " Bring It" Live

faraquet most definitely brought it. melvins w/ jello this winter was intense. i dunno about the rest of the tour but in philly it was a full melvins set, and then jello came out and did the new stuff and lots of dk songs. racebannon at macrock i guess 3 years ago. i dont particularly enjoy their re...

recommended reading for introduction to tube technology?

alright i will apologize in advance for being mostly in the dark here. i recently acquired a really beat up bassman 100... the housing of the output transformer is cracked and just hanging there... no tolex... etc. but it powers up and works (the sound is pretty lacking, i assume the tubes should be...

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