Search found 66 matches

fender twin: crunch question

Hi, I’m going to record some songs in a couple of month’s time, just singing and a guitar. I’ve got a got a nice bassy sounding Gretsch guitar which I play through a pedal-overdriven silverface Fender Twin when I play with a group. I’m happy with it. On my own though, I’m not sure it’s going to work...

lyme disease?

yeah, get that sorted as soon as possible and make sure you get the appropriate antibiotics. I've had this a couple of times from living/working in a forest where there is a large deer population. the first time I had the bullseye rash, (luckily in retrospect because the 2nd time I had nowt and woul...

Songs About Famous People

Great thread. Off my head the Fall have written about one of Bishop Muzorewi’s kids, Cary Grant, Pope Jean Paul the first, Damo Suzuki, Martin Borman, Doctor Faustus, Terry Waite, William of Orange. Oprah gets a mention, Joe Strummer, Shaun Ryder … you probably get a mention.


Qui were playing in a neighbouring town in a few weeks time. Hadn't looked forward so much to a show in ages. Saw the Yow headline and thought I'd have a chance to gloat. 3 strokes? collapsed fucking lung? sakes.

Has anybody been to Costa Rica?

I was there in 2001. Stayed on a banana plantation in the jungle. Really beautiful. Watch it if you don't like creepy-crawlies though. The least light at night attracted a million bugs and we had huge spiders and occasional scorpion to deal with. Hard to say about the crime as I didn't experience an...

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