Search found 2902 matches

Movie: Juno

I don't know why I liked it, I just did. For the first fifteen minutes I was fixing to walk out. But as I kept watching it, I started to get really into the story. The lead actress was indeed great. I didn't feel like it was marred by excessive sentimentality or by stabs at making political points. ...

Screenwriter-Beauty: Diablo Cody

I just reread that post NB. You are flat out, a fagot. FYP sorry all Nerblybear is IMHO the greatest troll on the PRF, surpassing Clocker/Rick even. His posts are awkward and maddening, sure to start conversation and draw criticism and abuse. He mixes vacuous statements in with semi-intelligent sub...

band: Deerhoof

m I don't know if you dudes have seen all of the great Deerhoof videos they have on YouTube, but this is my favorite out of dozens of them. Girly and rocking at the same time. This band is incredible -- last time I saw them I was acting like a big air-drumming dork, calling out ridiculous requests f...

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