Search found 14 matches

Band: TOOL

10,000 Days is an abomination, Lateralus was OK, and Maynard's lyrics have been indeed pseudointellectual, pseudo-existential, and highly pretentious post-Aenima. But Aenima, Undertow, and Opiate (part) are gems. One thing I miss about them is their sarcasm, songs like "Hooker With a Penis"...

Software to Make Fliers

Are there any user-friendly programs out there that can help you create some decent looking fliers? Neither me nor my bandmates can draw, so we will probably just want to manipulate existing photography and artwork, maybe insert some graphics on the layout, and lay on some text. I thought of using C...

Rehearsel Space: Music Garage

Thanks for the insight, Vockins. It think the guy we've been dealing with is named John, but I could be wrong. He's got messy brown hair, is kind of skinny, and is just a little tweaked out. The volume factor that you mentioned concerns me a lot, since we are also a very loud band and would consider...

Rehearsel Space: Music Garage

Hi everyone. Our band is not happy with our current rehearsel space and we are thinking about moving to the new warehouse on Ogden and Grand run by Music Garage. The guys just built the studio and are straight from New York where another studio is currently up and running. I just wanted to see if an...

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