I posted this on my old "Sushi" thread, but i thought I would put it out there, afresh: Oh, thank you so much, Chicagoans, for your tasty sushi suggestions. We went to Bob San and it was just perfect. I had the bestest weekend since ATP 2002. Chicago was lovely, even in its chilly and rain...
Could any of you fine folk, who are well versed with the BPB/Palace et. al. discography provide a list of recordings that Matt Sweeney is part of? Or a link to a resource or whatever. I mean, beyond Superwolf and the live record. Thx. You just mean Oldham stuff he is part of? Becsue he has done oth...
Oh, thank you so much, Chicagoans, for your tasty sushi suggestions. We went to Bob San and it was just perfect. I had the bestest weekend since ATP 2002. Chicago was lovely, even in its chilly and raininess (maybe especially so) and all the people from near and far were SO FINE! Saw peeps from ALL ...
I think Bob San on Division in the Ukranian Village fits all of your criteria. It's my favorite place. No kiddin'. Bob San is ace. But I ate there on Sunday so I don't think there's any sushi left. Yes, this place looks quite perfect. Do they serve alcohol? Do you know how late they are open? Thanks!
So, my 2 best friends and I are meeting in Chicago next Thursday night. We are serious sushi eaters and none of us live there. We are gonna want to eat some sushi! Any reccomendations? Here's what we need: -Something fairly central (not too hard to get to) -Actual good shushi, but not NOBU fancy or ...
Nice guy/girl is actually as , if not more, important than the Minutemen thing. It is maybe as important as the "good artist" thing. I mean, assuming that anyone who came recommended was fairly good to begin with and doesn't operate out of, say, a cardboard box or a pus holding facility.