Search found 44 matches

Was anyone needing another reason to despise Billy Corgan?

Dave Pajo's blog, 13th October: Somebody forwarded a link to me of a blog entry by an ex-bandmate (guess who). Needless to say I was underwhelmed by the bad poetry, Republican rhetoric, and bogus sensitivity. But what really struck me was what a spiritual poser he is-- I can't believe he's still wor...

Band: The Eagles

'Desperado' is one of my favourite ever songs. I only know the versions by The Carpenters and The Langley School Music Project however. I've never heard The Eagles original and I think I would prefer to keep it that way. It probably sounds like...shit, what's his name? Looks like the kid who was in...

The new Shellac.. ETA?

You people who are "itching" to hear the new Shellac album could tide yourselves over by just downloading the 10 or so unreleased songs that are all over the place and just listen to those, instead of bugging them about when they're gonna release the record. Sure, you won't get a hard-on ...

Place: Coral Castle

He'd look to the East toward Latvia and state he only hoped Scuffs would hear of or see his castle and realize his love for her.

Upon hearing this story, Scuffs responded, "I did not want to marry Edward when I was 16, and I don't want to marry him now."

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