Search found 48 matches

Re: Shoegaze

This thread is great! I have discovered several bands I now love so... thank you. I found this band Blankenberge by just poking around on Bandcamp and I fucking love them. You can buy their whole discography for only $11.50 US and it's ALL good to excellent.

Re: Requiescat FM Steve

This quote from Steve was just one of a million chunks of wisdom he would share on the PRF. He probably spent about 10 seconds writing it. I reference this ALL THE TIME. It works for any creative pursuit. "If nobody is willing to pay you to do something, then it isn't as valuable to the world a...

Re: Little Details from Your Day

I had a dream last night (couldn't find the dream thread) where I was telling someone about a collective in rural Sweden where death metal musicians live. They don't have to live in the city and they can get by comfortably on their little government ABBA checks. I'd like to think such a thing actua...

Re: Little Details from Your Day

I had a dream last night (couldn't find the dream thread) where I was telling someone about a collective in rural Sweden where death metal musicians live. They don't have to live in the city and they can get by comfortably on their little government ABBA checks. I'd like to think such a thing actual...

Re: All-encompassing Self-Promotion Echo Chamber thread

Hey there PRF people. Maybe this new tape / Bandcamp download I just released will be of interest? It's instrumental guitar / synth / beat / experimental / electronic stuff influenced by Scorn "Evanescence" / CAN / Head of David / and other oddball stuff. You might like it if you got into ...

Re: How we make experimental noise

I feel stupid for not learning this 30 years ago, but using a distortion pedal as gain into a fuzz pedal = beautifully saturated noise. Several of you are probably saying "yeah, duh" (ha ha). In my case it's a Boss HM-2 into a DOD Carcosa fuzz. I love how this combo sounds. I assume you'd ...

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