Search found 32 matches

Re: Little Details from Your Day

here's my kiddo. Defiantly nonbinary. 13 years old. Perfect in every way. Oh how they have grown! ❤️ They probably won't remember us silly Finns, but tell them and Liza hi from us! My dad also died last week. Fuck cancer, fuck it truly. All I have to do is remind the...

Re: "That's it for me" redux. LMAO these motherfuckers came second place in this year's Eurovision. At least the song in question has something of a dumb drunk vibe, but man. This is where two decades of self-parodying in EBM has taken us. I...

Re: Little Details from Your Day

I found a pin that my grandfather brought me from one of his trips to the Soviet Union back in the 70’s. He used to bring me coins, pins, and other odds and ends whenever he went there. My grandmother had a picture on her dresser of him standing in Red Square, wearing a trench coat and looking dapp...

Re: Artistic collaborations that you would like to see happen

I recently listened to the Big Walnuts Yonder album from 2016 and was reminded that somebody needs to write the songs as well. That band has Mike Watt on bass, Greg Saunier on drums and Nels Cline and Nick Reinhardt on guitars. I blame Reinhardt just because I don't particularly like him. That album...

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