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Re: Album: Dark Side of the Moon

What else are you going to play at the laser light show? Bonus points for the handful of times that "Time" has come on when I am standing in the produce section of a Woodman's. It's like "Yeah, I get it..." More bonus points for this...

Re: Song Writer: Stevie Nicks

Some of the time, I forget just how sheltered the "Fan Of Music..." lives that some of you have lived actually seem to have been... She wrote just about every tune on Bella Donna . She wrote "Sleeping Angel" from the Fast Times At Ridgemont High soundtrack.

Re: Song Writer: Stevie Nicks

I *love* a lot of her songs with the Mac and really can’t stand a single note of her solo work. Yeah. Same here. I heard some demos (Mac) and she blew my fucking head up. I never knew what was buried under all the glimmer. Uh, actually? It would be glitter

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