Search found 116 matches

Re: Word - Woke

Frank Decent wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 7:09 pm
Krev wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 9:21 am It seems like it was picked up as a buzzword by right-wing chuds before it even began. The word (and idea) itself isn't crap, obviously.
This nails it, for me.
And me.

Re: Phil Collins

Personality: Apparently he's a massive tory which is obviously a negative. I don't know much about that because I was never invested enough to look into it, chances are he was trying to protect his wealth which is what leads many people to the dark side. Absolutely. At some point, all our (not mine...

Re: Would y'all mind if we keep asking Cancer to Go Fuck Itself?

Sorry to darken the mood of the thread again after the good news posted above, but ... My oldest friend from school, and the only person from that era that I've kept in touch with all through adulthood, just prematurely lost his elder brother to cancer. With a particularly cruel twist of fate, it ha...

Re: Politics

This is the point of no return. Sadly so. Life-changing on every level. Whatever your hopes, efforts and determinations, it's always a horror when the shape of reality sharpens into full-focus. Indeed. I'm wondering how long it will be before Trump burns down the White House, blames it on the Democ...

Re: Band - Tin Machine

I can't in all honesty vote NC on this one, although I'd admit to quite liking some of his drum'n'bass stuff on "Earthling", which is probably an equally niche opinion. To me the problem wasn't so much that he was trying to do metal, it's just that he'd already covered that territory so mu...

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