Search found 437 matches

Embarrassing Acts

One time a few years ago, I was playing golf with a couple of buddies. I suddenly got the urge to drop a couple major deuces. But the bathroom was half a mile away. I started walking to the bathroom. Then I started sprinting as I realized the deuces were chomping at the bit. Finally, as I was runni...

New York City apartment hunting

I did a quick search and didn't find anything. If there was already a thread like this, link me... Ok, to make a long story short, my roommate from Yonkers is supposed to be finding us an apartment in the city, but isn't doing shit. I'm driving from Chicago to New York with all my stuff next Wednesd...

Funny Names

Middle School Band Director: Dick Butz
Middle School Orchestra Director: Harry Jampole (at least I think it was Harry)

A contributor for my school's newspaper: Mary Jane Weedman (this has to be fake)

Funny Names

So yesterday I was in a Dick's Sporting Goods store and, as I was checking out, the cashier started up with some retarded small talk about the energy drink I was buying, so I looked up from my wallet to respond to him and I noticed his name was "Shazam." I almost lost it. I had to send a t...

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