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dying transistor guitar amp

Unbelievable. I take it back to the shop Sound Control (I imagine the US equivalent is Guitar Centre) and explain that it now has another unrelated fault. The engineer plugs it in and it is not making that disgusting noise anymore. They look at me like i'm a total dick; very humiliating. I ask them ...

More lo-fi recording talk...

further to my other thread regarding lo-fi recording we have decided to record straight to a stereo 1/4 inch r2r... using a combination of mics including 4 x sm57s, an intercom mic (to mic the vocal amp), and 3 other mics we have yet to get hold of. i heard this on the web: m).mp3 this mp3 have som...

dying transistor guitar amp

it makes a new and dreadful hissing noise. When the amp is turned on it makes very little self-noise, but once you plug in a lead, it sounds like a Whitehouse record, even with the volume control fully down so no guitar sound comes through. This noise is unaffected by the volume pot. This sounds li...

dying transistor guitar amp

I've just had a guitar amp returned from whence it came, supposedly repaired. It's a Vox Cambridge 30 twin reverb, a transistor amp. The opto coupler went on it, because the parts are crap, and I had it replaced with a Mesa part instead. Apparently, this is a common problem with these carelessly con...

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