Search found 362 matches

Act: Suicide

I think you’re conflating three different people, though. No, I'm not. The only people I described in my post fit only into the second category you give. I made no mention of depressed people or oppressed people who die for causes. I know 'conflated' is a popular word, but it has no use in a commen...

Act: Suicide

i don't get the whole "suicide as cowardice" point. depression at its worst can take away any will to live from you. a guy who used to work at a mental istitution once told me the story of one of his patients: a clever, bright man haunted by depression. he wasn't a loon, a retard or anyth...

Act: Suicide

i don't get the whole "suicide as cowardice" point. depression at its worst can take away any will to live from you. a guy who used to work at a mental istitution once told me the story of one of his patients: a clever, bright man haunted by depression. he wasn't a loon, a retard or anythi...

You gotta bomb a city...

I desperately need someone to read this. I'd bomb my hometown of Udine, Italy, home of red wine, alcoholics and workaholics. It's a small town. 100,000 inhabitants, 95% of them being concerned with material possessions, status symbols, showing off... In Udine there's a really strong work ethic. work...

City: London

several friends of mine decided to move to London because of its opportunities. they all tell me the same thing: being friends with londoneers it's hard. in London you can become friends with people from Korea, Bangladesh, Usa, Japan et al. but being friends with londoneers, getting past the simple ...

I think I was just mean

hi, 4 pages into this thread and i still don't get how Steve's coming up with the "mellow stampede" name could possibly make him sound mean. i guess i don't grasp the english language that much (i'm italian). maybe someone could kindly describe to me what exactly is a "mellow stampede...

Best Shellac Q & A?

I haven't been to a shellac show yet, but there is a video--if you allow me to be a nerd, where some guy asks, "why do you suck so much?" and steve says, why do I suck so much...? because your mom was busy... that was a great response if you ask me. "straight to the mum, went straigh...

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